Monday, January 24, 2011


I made it! I have conquered my first weekend eating Paleo and I have to say that I did very well!  I went out to lunch with my husband where I watched him consume an entire chicken-bacon pizza, attended a birthday dinner for my mom ( I admit I had a BITE, ONE BITE of cake and it was fabulous) and grocery shopping all with a totally Positive Polly attitude! I feel great! Although I am experiencing a very weird phenomena of hot-flash like symptoms that I am totally attributing to my revved up metabolism because there is no way I am seriously having hot-flashes! Remember, I am on the cusp of my 32nd birthday not my 61st! But all in all, I am doing well. I have not noticed any bizarre cravings besides my thirst. It is out of control. I am thirsty all the time which is good, right? Using that quality H2O to flush out all the toxins, fat and chicken nugget residue from years past!

On an additional positive note, my husband wants to eat Paleo with me!  I think this is both good and challenging.  My husband (we'll call him Mike, actually Mike is his real name so...) Mike loves food and more than food he loves beer!..and I would have to say that with beer at the top of his list it is closely followed by cheese and bread which are all frowned upon with the Paleo lifestyle...this is where it gets challenging. For example, I cooked two delicious pork roasts with carrots and celery, the whole shebang, for dinner last night and my poor clueless husband says to me "what are you supposed to eat the pork on?" Eat the pork on? What the hell is he talking about? It's a roast! You eat it! With a FORK! It's that simple. But for Mike, he needs bread or pasta to delicately caress the meat on his plate and THAT my blog friends is a problem. I think Mike's intentions are real and that he wants to eat healthy but I'm "walking to school uphill both ways in the snow!"  My odds are slowly stacking against me right now...but keep positive Polly...keep positive!!! I think I'll print out the Paleo jump start document from the website and put it his bathroom, it's sure to get read there!...I'm just saying...

So here I am 4 whole days complete in my journey to weight happiness and I must say that Polly is slightly winning! I have been cooking and preparing foods all weekend to help tackle the week with ease! Hope everyone has a great Monday!



  1. You crack me up! I am going to love reading your blog. You're hilarious.

    Way to go!!!! :)

  2. haha good idea about placing reading material in the throne! Glad you survived the weekend :)
