Friday, January 28, 2011

Mikey Likes It!

Okay so just to let you all in on some fantastic news that has arisen since my last blog just hours ago is that my husband Mike weighed in at home (he too has been eating Paleo with me for about a week) and has lost....10 pounds! Way to go Mike! I am very proud of him to say the least but I am so frustrated at how men can lose weight so much easier than women! I do all the grocery shopping, food prep, recipe hunting, cooking, lunch packing and most of the clean up...and he is reaping the benefits ten-fold! Either way, I am very happy for him and so proud!

Also, I was reading on of my favorite weight happiness blogs called Try Try Again  and she had posted the most motivating quote that I wanted to share with you please enjoy these words of wisdom:

"A body in rest can sustain rest. A body in motion can sustain motion. In other words, if we move more...we can move more!! Get up from your office chair often, strength train at least 3 times a week, eat to live and measure your success not by the scale, but how you feel."

Here are a few fun pictures for your viewing pleasure, enjoy!

Mike, Kim and Dinosaur Mason

1/21/11 PrePaleo                                1/28/11 PostPaleo

It is AMAZING what a week of Paleo can do for you! Ha!
(The dates on these photos are NOT accurate, I just thought it would be funny so share some fun pictures!)



  1. HAHA! Love it! Cute pics. And i agree about men!! It is frustrating!!

  2. Ugh! This is how my husband loses weight.

    One day, he wakes up. He yawns, he stretches, he contemplates, "Hmmm. I think I'm going to go on a diet." Then he goes about his day exactly the same as he went about it the day before. He eats essentially the same things and performs the same amount of activities. Yet magically, seemingly by simply having declared it, he has somehow LOST WEIGHT.

    I. HATE. that.
