My blogs have been FEW and very FAR BETWEEN. I have been absent. I know I blogged that I would try to update my thougths more frequent but I have not. So, here I am...again! Whether or not you decide to read my blog is your choice...and if your just as fed up as I am...I wouldn't blame you if you don't. I sometimes feel that if my diet and weight issues were put on pinterest, they would fall under the "Epic Fail" category...
Cooking up a healhty recipe while
ironic that I work for a nutrition program! Horrible photo! |
Since I last wrote, which was in...September...oh my gosh, it's been since September, I have been on a life roller coaster. I was having trouble with anxiety so I sought professional help and went on some anxiety medication. I loved it. Nothing bothered me the entire 7 months i was on them, I never cried. Not even once. In retrospect that is super disturbing. Even at that, I loved the medication. I was happy. The weight of the world did not bother me. I didn't cry at commercials. I didn't find myself short of breath. I liked my husband (yes I said liked) and I felt in control of my emotions. I loved it. But all good things must come to an end and in that end, which took 4 weeks of gradual weaning, I have gone back to food for comfort. And we all know that that is NOT good. I have noticed that I eat or think about eating even when I'm completely stuffed. This too is so disturbing to me. In the 4 weeks it took me to wean off my medication and the 4 weeks since that last pill popped (8weeks total) I have gained 16 pounds. I
hate strongly dislike myself and my body right now. So, why did I come off these magnificent pills: I want a baby. I want my beautiful son to have a beautiful sibling. So that is what I had to do.
Blahhh gross side shot! |
So here I am at a very unattractive 222.0 pounds. Ahhh crap. In doing my math i just realized that I have gained 18 pounds. Well crap. Okay so focus...back to the issue at hand...I HAVE GAINED A TON OF WEIGHT IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME!! ...and I am overwhelmed. I want to get my diet under control but the thought of going back on WW hardcore or Paleo hardcore is not going to happened. I would be setting myself up for another "Epic Fail!" I am eating foods more low calorie kind of WW (loosely counting points on my phone tracker) until I can mentally get back in the swing of things. So for now, I will eat smart and after an evaluation of my mind an body I will then decide if I can go hardcore on any one particular diet avenue. But until then, I need a big hug from myself.
I need to be healthy for my son. I need to be healthy for my future child. I need to be healthy for husband. Most important, I need to be healthy for myself. I need to feel pretty. I need to feel comfortable in my own skin...because lately this has been hard to do!
-Relapsed Nancy