Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weight Watchers Week 2

Oh how I hate Weight Watchers....because it works! I hate knowing that if I put in the effort and restrict all my urges then I will see results. I guess you can say I hate it because it's not's hard...and ignorance is bliss! I cannot tell you how many times this week I have told my co-worker and my hubby that "I'm hungry!" I am hoping that this hunger will diminish as I get more used to eating WW; I don't remember it being so bad in past bouts.

...but one thing I don't hate is seeing the scale slowly going down...I weighted in yesterday at 216.8 which is another -2.4lbs...YES!!!  Eat that Jennifer Hudson!...sorry but I really don't care for her. The WW commercial of her singing makes me want to eat brussel sprouts and if you know me, that would be pure torture.

I have been cooking a lot lately too and loving it. I made Chicken Tamale Bake and for the recent green holiday I made Corned Beef and Cabbage Soup  both recipes were delicious!  I also ventured into baking with the help of my sous chef Mason we made Banana Pancake Bites which were yummy and fun to eat! Mason tested and approved!
Making Banana Pancake Bites!! Yummy!
Well this week will be yet another test of my will and determination. I WILL continue to cook WW friendly recipes and I am DETERMINED to experience a loss when I step on the scale next Wednesday morning. Until next time..

-Pancake Polly

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reborn Again Weight Watchers Week 1

So I made it an entire week. I was hungry pretty much all week too. Adjusting to such a limited calorie intake is hard for a girl...and my body to do. But I did it and I feel great. I forgot how much better I feel while on Weight Watchers. I had a great loss this week of -2.8 pounds which brings me to 219.2 (ouch)'s hard to see that number on the screen again in my life...

My Spicy Sesame Chicken Noodles!

A week ago when I decided to go back on the WW wagon, I told my hubby that we were going to be eating Smart Meals all week because I could not bear the thought of cooking, counting and measuring EVERYTHING! I was overwhelmed to even get started. But as the week went on, I really missed cooking. I love to cook. So with a little help from Pinterest, I began finding recipes and blogs what were all WW friendly and this has changed my tone on cooking. I am in love again with my pots and pans!  I have made some really great meals and have surprised the heck out of myself in doing so. I'm much better at this WW cooking thing than I had thought, and it's delicious! If any of you out there are interested in cooking WW and with much flavor check out the site Skinny Taste it is amazing! I have also fell in love with Emily Bites for great WW friendly delicious recipes. Last night I made Spicy Sesame Noodles with Chicken from the Emily Bites blog, and it was fantastic! If you want to impress some company, I suggest making this dish! 

I am excited for week 2 and what it has in store for this foodie. I am also excited because a really big box was delivered to my doorstep from Costco yesterday...and it just so happened to be a new treadmill! The hubby is going to finish putting it together today and then it's game on! I vow to never allow this beast of a workout partner become a glorified clothes hanger like everyone has warned me of. I really want my health. I really want to feel better. I really want to make changes. I really don't want to fall off the wagon again. I feel like that has been my journey for the past 5 years...on again, off again...on again...blah blah blah.

So here we are yet another day...faced with food, fat and decisions. Hopefully I can choose the healthy foods, avoid the fat and make right decisions! Keep on keeping on by blog friends!

-Pinterested Polly

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


My blogs have been FEW and very FAR BETWEEN. I have been absent. I know I blogged that I would try to update my thougths more frequent but I have not. So, here I am...again!  Whether or not you decide to read my blog is your choice...and if your just as fed up as I am...I wouldn't blame you if you don't. I sometimes feel that if my diet and weight issues were put on pinterest, they would fall under the "Epic Fail" category...
Cooking up a healhty recipe while
ironic that I work for a nutrition program! Horrible photo! 

Since I last wrote, which was in...September...oh my gosh, it's been since September, I have been on a life roller coaster. I was having trouble with anxiety so I sought professional help and went on some anxiety medication. I loved it. Nothing bothered me the entire 7 months i was on them, I never cried. Not even once. In retrospect that is super disturbing. Even at that, I loved the medication. I was happy. The weight of the world did not bother me. I didn't cry at commercials. I didn't find myself short of breath. I liked my husband (yes I said liked) and I felt in control of my emotions. I loved it. But all good things must come to an end and in that end, which took 4 weeks of gradual weaning, I have gone back to food for comfort. And we all know that that is NOT good. I have noticed that I eat or think about eating even when I'm completely stuffed. This too is so disturbing to me. In the 4 weeks it took me to wean off my medication and the 4 weeks since that last pill popped (8weeks total) I have gained 16 pounds. I hate strongly dislike myself and my body right now. So, why did I come off these magnificent pills: I want a baby. I want my beautiful son to have a beautiful sibling. So that is what I had to do.

Blahhh gross side shot!

So here I am at a very unattractive 222.0 pounds. Ahhh crap. In doing my math i just realized that I have gained 18 pounds. Well crap. Okay so focus...back to the issue at hand...I HAVE GAINED A TON OF WEIGHT IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME!! ...and I am overwhelmed. I want to get my diet under control but the thought of going back on WW hardcore or Paleo hardcore is not going to happened. I would be setting myself up for another "Epic Fail!"  I am eating foods more low calorie kind of WW (loosely counting points on my phone tracker) until I can mentally get back in the swing of things. So for now, I will eat smart and after an evaluation of my mind an body I will then decide if I can go hardcore on any one particular diet avenue. But until then, I need a big hug from myself.

I need to be healthy for my son. I need to be healthy for my future child. I need to be healthy for husband. Most important, I need to be healthy for myself. I need to feel pretty. I need to feel comfortable in my own skin...because lately this has been hard to do!

-Relapsed Nancy